Opening: June 12, 2024 at 6.30 pm
Exhibition goes until October 18, 2024
at the AnzenbergerGallery
Absberggasse 27, 1100 Vienna
Opening hours: Wed - Fri 12 to 6 pm or by appointment
Two artists. Two cities. Deventer, Berlin. Overcoming distance, developing, contrasting and merging - just like a decades-long friendship. We can see exactly this in their work. Movement and dance are the main components of the exhibition. Both, Ellen Korth and Hadmut Bittiger, have been incorporating dance into their work for several years. A common thread in the work of the artist Hadmut Bittiger is the profanity of the materials, which have their origins in industrial production and can be found in people's everyday lives. She transforms these into artistic works through experimental and craftsmanship sophistication. The love of material in the form of Japanese papers is also known from Ellen Korth, who has already shown her work in several exhibitions at the AnzenbergerGallery. Three photos of each of them that amazed them. That's what they decided to start with. Berlin and Deventer – it takes a trip. But it's the meeting that counts. Through their work. From two to One.
Opening: February 1, 2024 at 7 pm
Exhibition goes until September 30, 2024
at the AnzenbergerGallery
Absberggasse 27, 1100 Vienna
Opening hours: Wed - Fri 12 to 6 pm or by appointment
At the Collector’s Room we are showing new works from the series GSTETTN by Regina Anzenberger within the frame of the first Klima Biennale Wien.
Gstettn is a place of wilderness and freedom, a plot of land waiting to be used for housing and that has been taken over by nature in the meantime. From 2017 to 2021, Regina Anzenberger set about capturing the essence of this small piece of land just behind the Anker bakery. Flats for 3000 people will be built now, where once the buildings of Europe's largest bread factory stood.
With her photographs, which are painted over, extended by drawings and augmented with found objects, the artist has captured the natural experience of Gstettn in the seven chapters Winter Flowers, Nature Planets, The Illusion of Summer, Native Grounds, The Reconquest of Nature/6 Columns, Snails and Frost. In her works, Regina blurs the boundary between object and reality and takes us on an adventure.
> book
> poster
> portfolio Gstettn
> portfolio Gstettn – Native Grounds
> portfolio The Illusions of Summer
> portfolio Native Grounds II